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We are a group of talented and extraordinary technologist and marketing people who can bring your project alive. Let us know how we can help you.
Check Our Fiverr Gigs. Start With a simple HTML CSS page! And Update like integrate database as you grow!
Help you grow by making advertisement and provide suggestion how your ad can self. Also educate you so that you can make it on your own!
Check out our social media content gig to create your perfect relevant social media post that will help you grow audience organically!
In PlusMinds, we work on multiple technology and innovative tools that enable startups and entrepreneurs like us to create innovative products and to provide unparalleled service. The name PlusMinds indicates a combine collective effort of multiple people and human minds working towards a single goal under single umbrella.
$9 / M
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus cursus, lacus at fringilla lacinia, leo leo eleifend tortor, quis sollicitudin mauris ipsum a elit.
$5 / M
Where you can collaborate with your child
$5 / M
A Tool For Amazon Sellers
Innovative Puzzles For Your Child And Creative Minds
No currently we do not provide database connection or any backend integration. There will be no database connection or backend code to retrieve data from database to display that data in html page. For now, we are only providing HTML, CSS Page design.
Yes, we will provide support for 1 month after we deliver your order. This include any content update, minor design changes, logo update and similar functionality.
Currently we support only Google Cloud. We hope to expand our service in the future.
PlusMinds know what to do when you have a technical requirement. They really helps you to grow your business.
Martin Smith
I can not tell good enough about PlusMinds. They are really what their company name says. Bunch of creative and innovative minds.
Jessica Brown
6465 Rue Sherbrooke, Montreal, QC H1N3N6
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